Beginnings of sorrows! (Communities - Education)

Item ID 2716401 in Category: Communities - Education

Beginnings of sorrows!

(All) these things must happen (first), not just some, but (all); the end is not yet; this is just the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:9; (What does the beginnings of sorrows mean? The times just before the great tribulation. Think of them as contractions, similar to the pains that a woman must endure just before the birth of a child. They constantly get more frequent and intense. What do they signify? The return of the real Christ immediately after the tribulation of the Antichrist is what they signify; the birth of a new age/eon). This is a KJV Bible study guide.

Wars and rumors of wars: Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:7;

Famines, pestilences (corona virus and its variants, etc.?) and earthquakes in diverse places: Amos 8:11; Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11;

The tribulation of Antichrist events described: Matthew 24:9-15; Mark 13:9-14; Luke 21:12-17; Jesus has foretold us all things. Have ye not read?

(Why do the hearts of men fail them? Fear! Luke 21:26; (Why are men fearful at this time? Biblical illiteracy, they don't know what is happening and why it is happening or what is next. Everything we see happening and experience plus everything we don’t see or experience fits into God’s plan. We probably will not understand how it fits into His plan yet , but, we can be assured it will happen according to His plan, not ours. After it happens we may be able to look back in time and see and understand better. Have you ever heard the saying “hindsight is always 20/20”)?

Jesus commands us, be not terrified, meaning, no need to be afraid. He never leaves us or forsakes us! Luke 21:9; Hebrews 13:5;

Endure and be saved, possess ye your souls: Matthew 24:13; Luke 21:19; (What happens if you don't endure and get impatient)?

(Immediately) after that tribulation: Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; (Which tribulation? The tribulation of Satan the Antichrist). [Who returns immediately after? Matthew 24:30 tells you].

Then, and only then, The Son of Man returns: Matthew 24:30; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27;

We are commanded to watch! Watch for what? Matthew 24:42; Mark 13:37;

Read a newspaper, watch the news on TV, stay up on current events; the sorrows mentioned in the above verses are becoming more obvious and frequent. Do you see them and recognize them? Study your Bibles completely so you can see and recognize them. When you read and study the Bible, God talks to you. You will be truly amazed at what is actually in there compared to what a human has told you previously. Trust in God, no need to be afraid. Remember, He never forsakes us!

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