Psalm 22 importance! | |
Written 1,000 years prior? Yes! This is a KJV Bible study guide. Psalm 22 was written by King David 1,000 years in advance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It describes the crucifixion right down to the very words and actions of those present at His crucifixion, to include the words of Christ while He was nailed to that cross. Can a mere human predict so precisely? No, only God can. David wrote what God inspired him to write. Read Psalm 22, then read the following eye witness accounts of Jesus' crucifixion: Matthew 27:39-46; Mark 15:22-34; Luke 23:33-39; John 19:23-30. After reading these, read Isaiah chapter 53. The accuracy is absolutely amazing. Psalm 22:1 describes the exact words which Jesus quoted while He was nailed to the cross. How many times in His short life did He call His Father, God? He called Him Father most of the time. Jesus was quoting verse 1 of Psalm 22, and still teaching while hanging on the cross; He was quoting a prophecy written 1,000 years prior. Plus, Jesus was not saying that God had forsaken Him, like many so-called preachers say. He tells us why He came into this world, see John 12:27 and Hebrews 2:14. Let me ask you a question, How could God forsake Himself when He was God in the flesh (Jesus Christ)? Please read Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23 and John 1:14 among other verses. I know many people have asked, can the Bible be trusted, can I believe what is written? Just read for yourself. Again, how can a man predict so accurately what will happen 1,000 years in the future? A man can't be anywhere near as perfect as God's inspired scripture is. [Where will you find a more accurate historical account than right there in scripture? You can't]. | |
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