Keep educating yourself! (Communities - Education)

Item ID 2804195 in Category: Communities - Education

Keep educating yourself!


Keep educating yourself!

Do any of us humans ever get to a point in our lives where we can truthfully say we know it all?

The answer to that is, NO! Some may think they know it all, but, they are only fooling themselves. Don't be a fool, see Proverbs 1:7 below.

The great hindrance to all true wisdom is the thought that we have already attained it (Plumptre).

God tells us in many ways to ask for, seek and gain wisdom; wisdom that comes from Him, not earthly wisdom.

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

Earthly wisdom described here:
James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

Godly wisdom described here:
James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

Were you aware that God commands us to study His word? Read the next verse.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

(Educate yourself in God's word continually. No mere human can ever learn it all. Seek the wisdom that comes from God).

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Target City : All Cities
Last Update : Nov 21, 2024 8:35 AM
Number of Views: 94
Item  Owner  : Harvey Vititoe
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