Stephane Marchand | Banks revisit prime brokerage growth strategies as hedge funds bounce back | |
With many hedge funds recording a return to profitability through new trading strategies, banks offering prime brokerage could look to change their approach to servicing clients. As markets recover following the extreme volatility caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, hedge funds managing macro and credit have witnessed some of the biggest rebounds. According to alternatives data provider Preqin, hedge fund performance bounced back hard in the second quarter, delivering returns of 11.48% on average, with macro funds and long-short credit funds being among the most sought-after strategies by investors. A potential asset class rotation, with a focus on credit and multi-asset strategies, could result in prime brokers revisiting their growth strategies with the aim to compete on product lines. “We could see a big asset rotation coming, moving from equities to relative value fixed income and credit, and offering the necessary offsets and to provide custody and financing to clients who want to engage in those strategies. A lot of roles are being posted from those sectors for the prime’s risk team,” said Anthony Bennett, prime brokerage lead at consultancy firm Capco. | |
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Target State: California Target City : Newport Beach Last Update : Jan 02, 2025 1:40 AM Number of Views: 40 | Item Owner : Stephane Marchand Contact Email: Contact Phone: (None) |
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